
Inflation Email

By December 15, 2022May 12th, 2023No Comments

There is no doubt that as a nation we are in shock over the astronomic rise in energy prices that have come our way. The ‘perfect storm of circumstances’ shows no sign of abating. Huge tranches of us are wondering how we will afford the huge monthly hikes in energy bills along with all of the other rises in the cost of living that face us.

As a small business owner, I too face these challenges with running costs for SecureHeat escalating too as parts, diesel etc have increased in price. When coupled with the fact that I run a plumbing and heating company which offers monthly cover this ‘perfect storm’ is deeply troubling.

I have found myself on many occasions contemplating how can I help my customers? My answer is to run my monthly plumbing and heating cover business (other larger providers are available) with integrity as efficiently and honestly as I can and I am so proud that my customers agree, giving SecureHeat a 5 star reputation, for offering a local, reliable, professional and responsive service.

All boilers need regular servicing but for older models, on-going maintenance is vital to optimise efficiently and avoid expensive repairs when things go wrong. All our plans include a boiler service as a bare minimum providing peace of mind that issues can be identified before they reach crisis point. Along with annual servicing, as part of any call out, I will check that your heating and water system is programmed to give optimal output and efficiency.

In order to keep up with the rising cost of materials, I have agonised long and hard before making this decision. Monthly plan prices will increase upon renewal in line with the RPI announced on 18 January 2023 of 9% . You do not have to do anything but if you have any queries, please do contact SecureHeat.

Your new costs are display below:


Kind regards

Will and the team at SecureHeat

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